Monday 7 February 2011

What I have been doing

A short video of what I have been up to today and over the weekend!

Friday 10 December 2010

The Co-operative Community Fund and How I Support It!

The Cooperative Membership Fund

The Cooperative Membership Fund

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Every time we go to the local Co-op shop to buy sweets the lady behind the counter asks Mummy if she has her membership card. Mummy told me that every time we shop and we swipe our card we are giving some money back to ourselves because it is a co-operative and that some of the money we get back we give to charity and local groups too.

I don't know what charity in our local area we give the money too, but if it were up to me I would spend some money on making some really cool places for me and my friends to explore and for the old people that live near us to have things brought to them rather them having to go out when it is all cold and slippy. Mummy and Daddy help some of them, but there are too many for them to do all of their shopping and I think that it would be nice if a team of people could help.

Mummy says that my idea would be a good way to help the community and that if it were up to her that is what she would give the money to. I think that the co-operative giving money to help making local areas better is a great thing to do and it would cheer everyone up too! There are a few pictures of people who have had money and for projects that they worked on. I thought it was funny as some people were helped with things like swimming clubs, and some to take photographs and there was even some people who were bee keeping!

Maureen Cripps and Bee Keepers

Daddy says that lots of different people have lots of different ideas about what will make their community better and that the Co-operative will give the groups that apply to them for money the amount they ask for and that can be £100 or £2000 or anything in between! I guess the best way that I can support the Co-operative is by buying lots more sweets so that more money goes into the pot. I don't think that Mummy and Daddy will agree though!

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Wednesday 22 September 2010

Wordless Wednesday - Fark Chocolate?

Two things;

1) Top Ender is obviously Psychic as she was the one that said Fark the other day in the Top Ender Giggles - Growing up Post
2) Makers of Weetabix Chocolate flavour this is also not an acceptable new flavour. I don't want Dark Chocolate, I don't want Fark Chocolate I want Milk Chocolate okay?!

Saturday 11 September 2010

The Tooth Fairy - A Film I like by Top Ender

Hi Everyone this is Top Ender.

Mummy has said that I can tell you about a film that I really liked that is going to be out on DVD on the 20th September called The Tooth Fairy.

When I saw bits of this film on the television I wanted to go to the cinema to see it and so Mummy took me as Daddy said that he didn't want to see it. I made Mummy take me two times because I loved it so much. The film is about a man who is an ice hockey player who is called The Tooth Fairy because he bangs into people when he is playing and their teeth fall out.

When he is mean to his girlfriends children he gets punished and turned into a real tooth fairy! It's meant to be a punishment, but I think that he likes it after a while and I would love to be a tooth fairy. Mummy says I can't tell you how it ends because you might not of seen it and it wouldn't be fair. I am going to ask Father Christmas to bring me a copy for Christmas, and if you haven't seen it by then you can come round and watch it with me.

I am going to let Mummy tell you the rest now.

Top Ender really loved this film and even I sat through it twice, and the second time I didn't buy popcorn so it can't be all that bad. It is a sweet story and we probably will buy it on DVD for Top Ender as a stocking gift, just don't tell her! It is the sort of film that children will love, because of the comedy and simplicity of the storyline and would be perfect Sunday afternoon viewing when you are trying to digest the roast.

The Tooth Fairy starring Dwayne Johnson will be out to buy on DVD and Blu-ray on 20th September 2010 at a cost of £19.99 and £24.99 respectively. Its a PG and the lovely Julie Andrews and Stephen Merchant also star with Dwayne Johnson and there is a cameo from Billy Crystal.