All about us

A Mothers Ramblings is the story of an ordinary family that like to have fun. They don't mean to be funny, but quite often they find themselves having conversations that you have to laugh at or in situations that wouldn't be out of place in a British sitcom.

The blog is written by Mummy AKA PippaD as she is known on Twitter, and she is cook, cleaner, gardener and anything else that needs to be done (apart from putting the bins out) and the boss of the household. If she isn't out on a Family Fun Day, then she is at home playing and trying to make everyday fun or watching Neighbours...

Daddy is the head of the household and every so often on Twitter with pictures of what the family are up to, or something funny he saw. He occasionally writes blog posts, and makes a mean wheat free Apple Crumble.
Top Ender is Six (And a half Mummy!) years old and always looking for fun. She is occasionally on Twitter but her biggest ambition is to own a sweet shop, whilst holding down a full time career as a Fashion Designer/Model/Pop Star/Best Selling Author/Dancer/TV Star.
Baby Boy is two and likes everything. He really wants to be a bit bigger so he can reach the higher shelves in the fridge where the yogurts are kept, but his typing and language skills on Twitter are fantastic.

And if you want to contact us then email me at

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