Friday 29 May 2009

Top Ender Giggles - Silence means you too you know!

Another Auntie and Uncle popped round to say Belated Birthday wishes to both Baby Boy and I. They got married last August and Top Ender was a flower girl. It was at the start of the service that Top Ender showed everyone why she is so funny.

"And if you have a mobile phones please turn it off. Now let us be silent" Said the Vicar

The resulting silence was pierced by a loud whisper from Top Ender in the centre of the Church

"Mum? Dad? Have you turned your phones off? He told you to turn them off okay?"

The resulting giggles, convinced Daddy and I to pretend she wasn't ours for the next few minutes!


  1. Lol, happy belated birthday to birthday boy x

  2. Just letting you know i have an award for you over at my blog :) x

  3. I adore reading about Topender. She cracks me up!

  4. Baby Boy says Thank you for the Birthday wishes, he likes Birthdays and is planning on having another one.

    Thank you for the award, I will be accepting and writing about it in a few days... watch this space lol!

    Just you wait until your bubby pops out!
