Wednesday 1 July 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Summer Ice-cream

Two Summers ago Top Ender and I would go to a local Restaurant and have dinner each Friday night as Daddy would be at home sleeping, so he could go to work all night. The servers became quite fond of Top Ender and got her a special pudding each week. The pudding in the pictures below became her favourite and whenever we go back (once a month now, just for pudding) she asks for it again!

Top Ender eating a dipping icecream pudding
Top Ender eating a dipping icecream pudding and putting her spoon in the chocolate sauce
Top Ender eating the spoonful of chocolate sauce
Top Ender licking the once filled with chocolate spoon
Top Ender looking at the now empty once filled with chocolate spoon
Top Ender trying to use her fingers to make her mouth bigger to fit the icecream lolly in
Top Ender licking her chocolate covered fingers
Top Ender pulling a fish face
Top Ender examinging her chocolate covered fingers
Top Ender trying to get me to look the other way so she could drink the chocolate sauce

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