Monday 29 March 2010

Baby Boy Giggles - A Big Tease

Every morning Baby Boy and Top Ender have fruit after breakfast. Today for some unknown reason Top Ender took less time to eat hers than Baby Boy.

Baby Boy noticed that Top Enders bowl was empty and passed a piece of his melon to Top Ender.

"Here Top Ender, Fruit!" said Baby Boy exuberantly
"Thanks Baby Boy!" said Top Ender gratefully

A few minutes later and Baby Boy was offering again

"Juice Top Ender?" asked Baby Boy
"Oh yes please Baby Boy!"
"Joke!" teased Baby Boy snatching away his juice

Saturday 27 March 2010

Top Ender Giggles - Top Enders Epiphany

Top Ender asked first thing this morning:

"Can we go to the park?"
"Not really Top Ender its been raining" I answered
"You never let me go to the park when its been raining!" huffed an angry Top Ender.

A bit later we were at Brent Cross shopping centre and decided before we went to the car, we would sneak into the local park to burn off some energy.


Top Ender and Baby Boy (and Daddy and I!) enjoyed our play and it was just as we were starting to get ready to go that Top Ender started to get a little over excited. Top Ender ran off to go on the four sided see-saw (teeter totter) and slipped on the wet ground.

A few moments of crying whilst we checked over the extremities brought forward the insight from Top Ender;

"I guess this is why you don't want me going to the park when its been raining then!"

Friday 26 March 2010

Uncle Giggles - That's reassuring!

Big Cousin had woken up after a nightmare which Auntie assumed had been about ladybirds as Cousin said there was one in her bed. Cousin was quite upset about it and so after a check in the bed and under the bed, and in Little Cousins bed and under Little Cousins bed, Auntie knew she was going to have to bring out the big guns and grabbed a bottle of talc.

Sprinkling it on the beds and the floor she told Cousin that ladybirds don't like talc and so they wouldn't come near her. Uncle Daddy joined them to just check everything was okay and to say good night again. It was as they left the room that Uncle Daddy said;

"Night night. Sleep tight. Don't let the ladybugs bite!"

Don't take Uncle Daddy to the woods, he is strangely at home.

Luckily a sleepy cousin didn't hear that last bit!

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Top Ender Giggles - Bad Dreams

"I had a nightmare last night Mummy!" said Top Ender
"I know Top Ender, you got in my bed and woke me up!" I answered
"Oh yeah." she said whilst remembering the cuddle in the middle of the night
"What was it about?" I asked
"Well; It was about me!" she answered
"I often have Nightmares about you too!" I laughed

Top Ender didn't find it funny for some reason.

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Top Ender Giggles - She's in a bad way

Baby Boy woke up with a grizzle. Being 5:30am and Sunday meant that Daddy got up to see him. I could hear a whispered conversation and then Daddy and Baby Boy appeared at the bedroom door. Baby Boy had a temperature and was still sleepy so he got in the bed with us for a bit of milk and hopefully some more sleep. It turned out that Daddy was also feeling ill, so I decided that I would give up my lay in (on Mothers Day too!) and take Baby Boy down stairs when he woke up.

When Top Ender came down I realised that I was feeling a bit ill, with a headache and a sore throat and so I wanted to check that Top Ender was okay.

"Top Ender, how do you feel?" I asked
"I'm fine" she answered without looking up from her magazine
"No sore throat, no running nose?" I pushed seeing as last night she was very snotty
" heart hurts. Just here" she said pointing to her left knee
"You'll live!" I answered

Monday 15 March 2010

Top Ender Giggles - Dead Head

"Did you know that Barbie Doll hair is made from real hair?" asked Top Ender
"Really?" asked Daddy
"Yes!" answered Top Ender
"Where do they get the hair from?" asked Daddy
"Dead people I guess" answered Top Ender

Top Ender hair, not dead people hair

Sunday 14 March 2010

Mothering Sunday

Its Mothering Sunday today. Here in the United Kingdom we have linked this religious celebration with the holiday that Anna Jarvis really got going in the United States (and as always we have borrowed the idea!).

Up and down the country Women are getting boxes of Chocolates, bottles of Wine, Plants, Flowers, Gift Vouchers, breakfast in bed, The Sunday Roast cooked for them (instead of by them) and possibly more than one of these things if the Television adverts are to be believed.

I am lucky that I will have my family around me for the day and they will give to me hand made cards and a drawing or three. I believe they have listened to me and haven't purchased gifts for me because even though the calender says today is Mothers Day, every day in this house is Mothers Day.

You see I got to celebrate the days that I got this;

No this isn't a clever way of telling you I am pregnant, this is an old test!

And everyday since!

So to whoever you are Mother, Auntie, Grandma, Step-Mother, Friend of the Family or the woman who lives next door, Happy Mothers Day.

Saturday 13 March 2010

Daddy Giggles - Reason #2675 Not to let Daddy go shopping on his own

Daddy and I decided that we would give our Mums a Boots gift card each for Mothers Day. Whilst I was busy in another part of the store Daddy went to buy our gift cards.

The female shop assistant passed Daddy a box of cards, so that Daddy could choose the one that he wanted. Daddy flicked passed the ones that said Happy Birthday and Congratulations and discovered two with a pretty bird picture on.

He passed them back to the assistant and once she had rung up the transaction she nonchalantly said;

"Christmas motifs"

That's right. Daddy choose Christmas gift cards.

Friday 12 March 2010

Best Day Ever!

There is a song that Top Ender and I heard in Sponge Bob Square Pants many moons ago. It was a song that straight away caught our imaginations and we had to go and learn the words to. We learnt them very quickly and will quite often start singing the chorus at appropriate moments.

Last weekend as Daddy and I went to bed we both spoke to each other just telling each other that we had had the best weekend ever. Both Baby Boy and Top Ender were on fine form, we had a good giggle at Daddy when he went to a meeting an entire week early and we had some good food too.

So because I expect this weekend to be just as good here is our song for you all to enjoy too!

edited to use new video!

Tuesday 9 March 2010

An Instructional Video...

So Karin at Cafe Bebe and Heather at Notes from Lapland said "Teach us Something" in a Vlog and we'll run a competition and then one of you will win a slanket.

Now the last Slanket that we got was one that we won at Sleep is for the Weak and since it arrived it has lived in Top Enders room (unless I have wrestled it from her to use whilst sitting on the sofa to watch my grown up programmes that I sometimes have to hide in the Slanket from) or on the back of the sofa... so if I am lucky enough to be chosen as one of the two finalists vote for me in order to save family harmony by letting Top Ender and me have a Slanket each!

So here it is, not the video that it was meant to be but a video that teaches something none the less...

Now go and try this out, before you forget how to do it!

Monday 8 March 2010

Top Ender Giggles - Three Parent Family

Whilst watching Grease Top Ender made a comment that you can rely on your Dad and your Brother (After Frenchy told Sandy you can only rely on your Dad), but that they wouldn't know that as they didn't have a brother but she did.

"He use to be a Baby Brother, but now he is a Toddler Brother" she said
"Well he will always be your Baby Brother, because he is younger. Although he won't like it if you call him that in front of his mates." I answered
"He won't be cool you know!" she laughed
"Baby Boy won't be cool when he's older." she stated
"Oh. Why not?" I asked
"Because I don't like cool and I am helping to raise him." she stated.

That's me told then.

Sunday 7 March 2010

One of *those* Mothers

I am one of *those* Mothers.

You know the ones that bake cakes with the children and say it was fun.

One of those ones that make their children dressing up costumes even when there isn't a party or school event.

Well I know who she is supposed to be.

One of those ones that turn shopping into learning experiences.

One of those ones that read books to their children that they want to read but are just too young for.

One of those ones that make paper plate faces.

One of those ones that make paper plate cafe food.

One of those ones that spend hours searching the shops for a special ribbon.

See that Gold present there with the rainbow ribbon? Yeah hours that one took.

One of those ones that saves toilet rolls and asks others to save them too so she can build a castle.

One of those ones that spends Friday night watching a film with the children.

One of those ones that knows what is going on at school.

One of those ones that talks to their child and the child talks back.

One of those ones that I didn't ever want to be but it turns out I am and I wouldn't have it any. other. way.

With thanks to Chatty Mum and Fashion Mum for pointing out I was one of *those* Mums last Thursday!

Saturday 6 March 2010

Blogging to record memories

Daddy and I were talking the other day about our Princess Dancing and about how we both want Top Ender and Baby Boy to have memories of us being fun, to have memories of us doing things together as a family and for us to set a great example to them for when they have families of their own.
Both of us have treasured childhood memories that we have made sure we have our own version of with Top Ender and Baby Boy and of course new memories special to just us four. Everything we do we try to make fun. It might be eating Chinese with chop sticks (one of my memories), sneaking snacks into bed (one of Daddy's), going for walks in the countryside, family dinners, spending quality time with one parent or even surprise trips out for the day as a family.

Daddy was explaining that he was pleased that we do fun things like the Princess Dancing and going to the Hundred Acre Woods and that I record them and share them on the blog. He has mentioned several times how some people ask him what he did at the weekend because what we do is always exciting compared to what they did.

And so it I thought that maybe Daddy should start writing the odd post or two... and I suggested it to him and he agreed! So before this month is out there is going to be a post by Daddy. Please make him feel as welcome as you do me and just don't let his head get too big.

Oh and talking of Princess Dancing, it turns out that I won! Thank you to everyone who voted or mentioned me and so I won't feel guilty about showing you all and getting the "aaahhh" factor votes here is Princess Top Ender and Prince Baby Boy doing their version of Princess Dancing.

Aren't they sweet?!

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Princess Mummy (and Daddy)

What did I learn in February? I learnt that I need to learn when to keep quiet. Actually no, I learnt that I need to learn when not to leave comments on blogs and then to follow my comments up in Twitter.

The Internet is forever don't you know?

You see it all started the other day when I was reading Living with Kids and there was a great post about the British Dance Council and Disney supporting each other with the creation of the Disney Princess Dance. It is all about encouraging our children to get active and as we all know we should lead by example!

I commented;

"I am so going to vblog this!"

And just over four hours later I was involved in another Twitter Dance Off (I won the last one I tell you, look its here if you don't believe me. I am the one in the nappy and its not true about the camera adding weight. I also look several years younger and more male...)

So here is my entry (with a little help from Daddy.....) into the Living with Kids Princess Dance Challenge... and if you want to see the competition I'm up against then take a look at Karin at Cafe Bebe and Manda at Flying Start who have also filmed themselves dancing to this.

Unless, of course, they were lying and its just me.

Monday 1 March 2010

Top Ender Giggles - There's only one way to find out!

Top Ender was in the car with Daddy and were talking about taking lessons to learn an insturment when she is in year two.

"What would you like to learn?" asked Daddy
"Well maybe the flute, or the recorder or the Violin" answered Top Ender
"Well they are all nice!" answered Daddy
"Yes but which is better? There's only one way to find out.... Fight!" answered Top Ender

We are going to have to stop Top Ender watching TV.